The most hilarious T-Shirt fails of all time

[post_page_title]A real bold statement[/post_page_title]

T-shirts are safer than tattoos. At least if these guys change their taste in music they can just remove their shirts instead of trying to remove a tribute tattoo, that would be costly and painful. In their defense they technically aren’t wrong, they are real, and they obviously respect Bieber.

They do look a little embarrassed at being snapped wearing those lovely pink numbers, so perhaps one for their parents to show their future partners from the photo album.


All we can say is whoops! We aren’t sure why you would get up in the morning and choose to wear this t-shirt on any given day, but even worse if you’re planning on some illegal activity. So his shirt says guilty, and he was presumably involved in some shady enterprise, that’s not a great start, but it is also bright orange.

It’s hardly the most inconspicuous color. Perhaps his t-shirt is a reflexion of his feelings, something his face seems to be agreeing with.

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