23 photos that show what life is like in Russian prison

23 photos that show what life is like in Russian prison

It goes without saying that no one wants to go to prison, for the idea of living life behind bars truly doesn’t sound like much of a life at all. But there have been whispers that some prisons are worse than others. People have said that some prisons in Russia are among the hardest in the world to endure, which is really saying something. We have for you here a collection of pictures taken from one of Russia’s toughest prisons, and you may be surprised at what you find out.

[post_page_title]15 minute checkup[/post_page_title]

Everybody needs their private time in life. Once you’re done with work, you head on home and slump yourself in the couch after a long day’s work. Even if you’re married and have kids, every now and then you could always use some time to yourself.

15 minute checkup

But for the inmates in Black Dolphin, a top tier Russian prison, the inmates are checked on every 15 minutes by the guards. They are under constant surveillance, without much privacy.

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