The heat of the kitchen, the high stakes drama of reality show competitions, and an impossibly talented chef lording over all the contestants while we watch them turn mere ingredients into dishes fit for a queen. With Chef’s Table, The Great British Bake Off, MasterChef, and more – there are so many great cooking series to choose from to make any amateur feel like a pro. And among the top tier chefs who have climbed the reality ranks to helm our favorite cooking and baking shows, one name sends admiration and fear into the hearts of all who’ve seen him take command of a kitchen – Mario Batali.
The New York City chef got his start as a premiere Italian-cooking chef in NYC during the ’70s. After spending much time in Italy, he discovered how delicious food can be when made simply with just the freshest of ingredients. His approach took New York’s food world by storm, following which he successfully created an empire of cookbooks, TV shows, and of course – incredibly successful four-star restaurants. For a time, there seemed to be no stopping Batali, but all that was about to change.
Carving a name for himself in New York’s elite fine dining scene using simple, fresh ingredients, Mario Batali’s list of accomplishments and entire reputation were thrown into jeopardy late last year after a string of very serious allegations that his entire company fall from grace. The allegations sent a wave of shock throughout the food community, Batali’s fans and indeed anyone who knew him through his many TV appearances. Still reeling from what has been brought to the surface, and with the world left wondering as to his next move, we wanted to take a look at the life story of one of the most famed chefs in history, and recount his struggles, triumphs, missteps, and his deepest regrets.
[post_page_title]Learning from Grandma[/post_page_title]
Batali began his career by watching his grandma (pictured second to left) make simple yet delicious meals. From her, Mario learned how to cook using only natural and organic fruits and vegetables. He says his career started by noting that his grandma would make the most simple yet tasty meals all with fresh and easy to use ingredients. It stuck with him that all you need to make delicious and healthy meals is fresh ingredients and simple recipes. Her hand in cooking inspired him to take up the art form of home cooking and he decided to pursue his dream. He took his grandmother’s spirit with him when he went on to study with some of the top chefs in the industry.