2018 is over, which means that we have the chance to look back on our year and do a Marie Kondo on our closet. Yes, if you grab hold of your clothes and clutch them close to your chest, you should ask yourself one question: Does it spark joy? If the answer is no, then you should definitely throw it in the trash. However, that’s not the only question you should be asking yourself. You should also be asking whether the trend that was super stylish in 2018 is still stylish in 2019.
Tiny sunglasses
Last year, tiny sunglasses were all the rage. Of course, they weren’t exactly the best sunglasses in the world because they barely covered your eyes, but they were super cool. The likes of Gigi Hadid, Kylie Jenner, and Kim Kardashian popped these tiny sunglasses on their face, and they were instantly 100x cooler. If you weren’t a fan of this trend, however, you’ll be happy to know that it’s no more. Tiny sunglasses are out, ladies.
Bicycle shorts
We have Yeezy to thank (or not thank) for bringing bicycle shorts into our lives. Rather than wearing jeans or leggings, women would slide their legs into high-waisted shorts that would quite literally cling to everything. Kim K basically spent the whole of 2018 wearing these shorts, but it seems as though that time has come to an end. Bicycle shorts should now only be worn by those who are going to be riding a bicycle, rather than those who are going to get ice cream.
Furry sliders
Okay, we have nothing against sliders. However, we do have something against furry sliders. The shoe itself is rather practical if you’re going down the beach or just need something to slip onto your feet to meet the delivery driver. So, what purpose does a giant pom pom have? The people of 2019 just don’t have time for furry sliders, so it’s time to chuck them out.
Smart activewear
Have you ever worn a tracksuit with heels? There’s a high chance that you did last year because smart activewear was all the rage. It was the ultimate smart/casual look and gave you the chance to go for a run, before heading to Nobu for a drink with your best celeb mates. It was certainly an odd look and one that you either loved or hated. Personally, we hated it, and we’re glad to see the back of them.
Giant sneakers
Giant retro sneakers were super cool last year. We even owned a pair. That’s because the ‘90s look was back in style – and we were living for it. Yet, this trend has now disappeared from view, and wearing giant sneakers just makes you look a little weird. Although it does add a little bit of height to those who need it, so that’s one positive…
With a new year in full swing, were able to make way for new styles and new fashions. However, as we say hello to new swag we also have to say goodbye to some of our faves from last year…