Bizarre photos you’d only ever see in Dubai

Over the past 20 years, Dubai has become an example for every rich person on how to spend their money to live the most luxurious lifestyle. From wrapping stuff in gold, to making everything bigger and better than anywhere else in the world, the people of Dubai have really put themselves on the map. As it is home to a large collection of millionaires and billionaires, there are things that happen there that you were unlikely to ever seen anywhere else. These are photos you’ll only ever see in Dubai.

[post_page_title]Strict dress code[/post_page_title]

While many of the rich and wealthy people in Dubai like to show off their bank balance by flaunting their expensive wardrobes, not everyone does.

Sure it’s great to wander around in dresses that cost more than people’s houses, but that’s not what all of the locals choose to do. The majority of people who live in Dubai follow the religion of Islam. Their religion prohibits them from wearing certain things, and dress codes must be strictly adhered to by those who follow it.

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