Child stars and their moms before they were famous

Have you ever wondered what it takes to truly make it in Hollywood? Talent as an entertainer would definitely be at the top of our list, along with perseverance and a certain charisma. Generally, youth is also considered to be a factor that contributes to a star’s longevity. But while this may be true, it seems that many of today’s stars had a secret weapon back when they were still growing up in the business, and that for every child star there was a hidden dynamo that gave them necessary support and encouragement to make it big – namely, their mother.

While mothers of stars on the rise frequently play an important role in the burgeoning careers, this is perhaps even more the case for young girls, who look up to their mothers as role models for the way a woman can navigate the often demanding entertainment industry. Either way, for the young tikes who not only dream of making it big but actually make a go at it, having someone they trust who has their own interests at heart is truly a blessing.

The world has seemingly been enamored by child stars since the beginning of public entertainment. From Shirley Temple to Drew Barrymore, they often represent an innocence in an industry known for its emphasis on the bottom line and making sure the show goes on. Many times, child performers also add that “wow” factor that comes with seeing someone so young perform at such a high and professional level. We have already acknowledged that there have been many mothers of child stars who have helped their children succeed in Hollywood, but ideally what they do extends beyond just getting them to the big screen.

These mothers – for it is still mainly mothers who chaperon their children in Hollywood – not only help their kids get their foot in the door, but also help their children throughout the entire process after they land their big break. And this is probably the most important thing that a child needs – emotional stability, protection, and a solid familial base that only a parent can give. They may be talented, but they’re still only children, and not many of them know how to handle the limelight at such a young age (in fact, many of people have a hard time handling it even when they’re older). To be honest, these moms don’t always get their acknowledged for their commitment to their children’s careers, despite investing a lot of time, effort and emotion into them. And so, without further ado, we want to acknowledge the outstanding mothers of our most beloved child stars, take a look at their earlier days and see how they – and their children – have grown up.

[post_page_title]Mandy Teefey (Selena Gomez’s mother) – Then[/post_page_title]

Mandy Teefey is another good example of a mother who truly pushed for the success of her daughter – after all, you don’t become a Disney channel star by just waltzing into the building like you own the place. Someone needs to be taking care of your career, and it seems like that’s what Mandy did for her when she was young, well aware that her daughter was a talented girl with much to give to the public.

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