Clever DIY inventions that make life easier

Some days, it feels like the world is falling apart. However, the journey through life doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may seem. In fact, many people have found unique ways to make life a whole lot easier and even more enjoyable. These life hacks will save you time, money, and lend you some sanity in this crazy, busy world of ours.

Dusting sock

Socks that go into the washer as pairs never seem to come out that way. There are always socks left without a mate, so what do you do with them? A great way to repurpose single socks is to use them as a duster in your house.

Dusting sock

Simply, slip it onto your hand and run your hand over the surfaces that need dusting. It will pick up the dust in a snap and you won’t have to toss a perfectly good sock.

The power of floss

People think that floss is just for your teeth, but they are so wrong. Floss can be used for a great number of things, including cutting. Cutting cakes, soft cheeses, and brownies has never been easier! Simply use it as a sharp wire to cut your food exactly how you like.

The power of floss

Floss is great because it’s thin and precise, so you can dictate exactly where you want it to go and how you want it to cut.

Using all the toothpaste

Nobody likes to waste household items, and toothpaste definitely falls into that list. So many people throw out the last bit of toothpaste simply because it’s a pain to get it out of the tube.

Using all the toothpaste

However, if you secure a bobby pin to the end of the tube, you can easily push up every last bit of paste. This simple trick will save you money and it will help you to not waste so much.

Strawberry straw

There’s a reason they call it a strawberry, and we’re thinking this simple lifehack is why. In order to get a stem off of our favorite red sweet fruit, simply push a straw through the center.

Strawberry straw

This will easily push off the green top and leave you with more of the fruit than if you were to cut it with a knife. Now, you can have more juicy goodness, and the clean-up is a breeze!

Glasses case repurposed

Glasses cases are a perfect little compartment to store a great number of items. You can use them for crayons or markers when taking road trips with the kids. Glasses cases can also be a perfect place for a mini manicure set, as they can keep all your tools in place.

Glasses case repurposed

They can also be used for office supplies in your purse, so that paperclips, binder clips, and erasers are not falling to the bottom of your bag.

BBQ muffin tray

When you’re having a barbeque with friends and family, it’s sometimes hard to fit all the condiments on one table. Also, displaying multiple bottles of condiments can sometimes make the table feel crowded as people reach over each other to grab what they need.

BBQ muffin tray

By using a simple muffin baking tray, you can put all the condiments in one spot. Just make sure you have spoons available so that people can easily help themselves to whatever they need.

Bath time relaxation

After a long day at the office, it’s such a treat to go home, relax in a bubble bath, and dive into a bestseller. The only problem with that is, it’s hard to keep your book dry. This is the perfect trick to saving the pages from becoming wet. Simply place a board across the tub to hold all of your goodies such as candles, tea, and of course, your read of choice.

Bath time relaxation

This will ensure that your arms don’t droop too low and get the pages of your book wet. It’s such a simple DIY invention, but it will definitely change the way you relax.

Game time sipping

When you’re deeply invested in a video game, getting up for a snack, a glass of water, or even to stretch is out of the question. This clever little girl found a creative way to sip her drink and play at the same time. Now, she doesn’t need to even pick up a glass and drop the controller.

Game time sipping

The bag is secured around her neck and the straw reaches perfectly to her mouth. This girl knows she must make the most out of the game time she has.

No more tired arms

Have you ever tried to watch a long video on your phone? If so, you understand the struggle when your arms get tired. Wouldn’t it be much better to relax a little while you tune in? This boy obviously was feeling the struggle too, and got clever by placing a glass table over his couch.

No more tired arms

Luckily, there was a perfect amount of room for his head to lay underneath. Now, he can watch whatever he wants hands-free!

What to do with all those bags

If you’re an avid grocery shopper, you end up stockpiling a lot of plastic shopping bags. Shopping bags are great to have because you can reuse them for so many things, such as liners for your office trash can or for carrying foods and goods with you to a friend’s house. However, what’s not great is finding a place to put them all.

What to do with all those bags

This DIY invention made from an old disinfectant wipes container is perfect. Now, all your bags can be neatly stored away until you need them.

The perfect cleaning tool

If you have blinds on the windows of your house, then you know the struggle with cleaning them. With so many layers to them, blinds take forever to clean and they never seem to get as clean as you’d like them to be.

The perfect cleaning tool

These dust-collectors can be mighty annoying, but with this clever DIY tool, you will have the cleanest blinds in the neighborhood. Simply attach two sponges or pieces of cloth to a pair of tongs and you’ll be ready for spring cleaning.

Wilting flowers

Flowers are a beautiful addition to any table setting, countertop, or bedroom dresser. Unfortunately, flowers also are perishable. Their peak life is only a few days, but thankfully, there are tricks to making these decorative blossoms last just a little bit longer.

Wilting flowers

By using a straw as a sleeve on the stem, flowers will be able to stand up straight for longer. Wilting flowers are not ideal, and this hack solves the problem in a flash.

Tupperware lids

There is seriously nothing worse than the tupperware domino effect. You know what we’re talking about. It’s when you open up your cupboard and all the tupperware you have falls out onto the floor. It makes putting away leftovers and packing lunch for the kids an absolute nightmare.

Tupperware lids

The organization of your cabinets is key to keeping you sane while searching for a lid. This magazine rack secured onto the cabinet door is a perfect way to organize.

Clean brush

Not all of us are a fan of toothbrush holders. Oftentimes, they get a slimy film on the bottom caused by wet brushes and old toothpaste. However, putting our toothbrushes right on the side of the sink seems unsanitary, as bathrooms obviously have a lot of germs.

Clean brush

Using a clothespin, you can easily guarantee that your bristles will never touch your sink’s surface. It might look a little silly, but it’s easy and effective for keeping your brush clean.

Tennis ball knob

There are some people who have a really hard time opening a door with caution. Children, in particular, slam open doors due to their high-energy and excitement. This can be extremely damaging to the walls of your home.

Tennis ball knob

Door knobs can leave marks, scraps, and even holes, so it’s important to take some precautions for the sake of your house. Putting a tennis ball over your doorknob can easily help to soften the blow your wall takes.

The power of magnetic tape

When you’re working on a home project and hammering nails, it can be frustrating when the nails keep falling down. In order to combat this, put magnetic tape securely on the tip of your hammer. This will attract the nails upward towards the hammer and prevent them from falling over.

The power of magnetic tape

It will also help to keep your fingers safe, as you will no longer have to hold onto the nail while hammering. This hack increases safety and also saves you time and frustration.

No fur furniture

If you’re a pet owner, then you know the struggle of keeping your furniture clean. Sometimes, even the toughest vacuum cannot pick up every ounce of fur from the couch fabric. Luckily, there is a super easy hack to combat this stressful everyday occurrence.

No fur furniture

Using a squeegee, you can remove the hair from your furniture in one quick swipe. This is a surefire way to clean up in a hurry. Now, last-minute guests aren’t as bothersome!

No sprinkler required

A perfect garden takes patience, consistency, and time. There are some tricks, though, that can make the art of gardening a lot less hands-on. Especially, if you have a big garden, a sprinkler is a must.

No sprinkler required

It will ensure that all your plants are equally watered and tended to under the hot sun. If you don’t have a sprinkler, you can cheat by taking a plastic water bottle and cutting tiny holes into it and securing it to a hose.

Wrapping paper

Storage and organization can be a tough thing to master. Between household products, seasonal decorations, office supplies, and everything else you use on a daily basis, how are you supposed to store it all?

Wrapping paper

Tricks that downsize all the stuff that you own are invaluable. That’s why we love this garment bag trick to store wrapping paper. Wrapping paper is not something that has to be out all the time, and with this trick, when you do need it, it’s easy to get to.

The duct tape dilemma

There is not one person in the world who has not struggled with finding the end to a roll of tape. Usually, we end up wasting more tape than we even needed just trying to figure out how to unroll it.

The duct tape dilemma

All this can be avoided, though, by putting a paperclip around the end of the tape after you use it. That way, the next time you go to use it, you will just have to pull at the paperclip.

Painted keys

If you’re a person with a lot of keys, you know the struggle of fishing through your set to find the one you need. This can be extremely frustrating if you’re in a hurry or if you have your hands full and you’re trying to get inside your house to set things down.

Painted keys

By painting your keys different colors, you will be able to identify them a lot faster. You can use paint or even just nail polish!

No more drips

Popsicles are a delicious summery treat that we all deserve to snack on. However, these yummy sweets can get awfully sticky in the hot summer sun. No one likes to be sugar-coated with popsicle juice, which is why this cupcake liner trick is perfect for any BBQ.

No more drips

All you do is slip it on the stick of the popsicle and it will catch all the drips before they touch your skin. Now, you can enjoy it as slowly as you want.

The best iced coffee

Iced coffee is a staple in many people’s lives. It keeps them energized, focused, and of course, refreshed on a hot day. Iced coffee has a tendency to get watery when the ice melts, though, which leaves an undesirable taste. By making iced coffee cubes in an ice tray, you can chill your coffee with coffee. How great is that?

The best iced coffee

You’ll never again have a problem with throwing out the leftover coffee that you didn’t drink fast enough. This hack guarantees you will enjoy every sip!

Binder clips

Binder clips are a super tool that we often take for granted. These small office supply clips are not just for stacks of paper. They can be used in so many ways. Many people use them for securing bags of chips, popcorn, or other snacks.

Binder clips

However, our favorite way to use them is with cables. You can easily clip them to the side of a table or desk to keep all your cables in place.

Luggage bow

Traveling can be a stressful experience for many people. There are crowds, loud noises, unfamiliar procedures, and the pressure of making it to the gate on time. The last thing you want to worry about when you’re traveling is losing your luggage.

Luggage bow

By putting a colorful bow, ribbon, or scarf on your luggage, you will be able to keep track of it better and spot it easier when it comes off the plane. It’s such a simple trick, but it can make a huge difference for your stress level.

The bathroom scrubber

Every year, spring cleaning seems to take forever. It’s like you spend days and days polishing, dusting, and sweeping every surface of your home. By the time you are done with the whole house, it’s practically summer. That’s why we love practical inventions to get the job done right and fast.

The bathroom scrubber

By attaching a scrub brush onto the head of a drill, you will have a great cleaning tool that can easily scrub your bathroom in a matter of minutes.

Two bowls one microwave

When you live in a big household and you’re cooking for the crew, sometimes you need to use the microwave for multiple dishes. Of course, this isn’t a huge issue for most, but when you’re a parent with hungry kids, you want to get the food on the table as quickly as possible.

Two bowls one microwave

This two-bowl hack is perfect for this situation! All you need is a cup to turn upside down creating a layered microwave set-up.

The spaghetti lighter

Candles are a beautiful addition to any home. The relaxation power of candles can help anyone wind down from a stressful day at work. However, many candles get tossed out when the wick is too low to light safely. Think of all the candles you have thrown out because you were unable to reach the wick with a match!

The spaghetti lighter

Next time, consider lighting your candle with a piece of spaghetti. It is long enough to reach the wick, and you’ll be able to light it and put it out safely.

Jewelry display

It’s so frustrating when jewelry gets tangled in a box or when you can’t seem to find the necklace, bracelet, or anklet you’re looking for. Jewelry in a box often looks like a pile of chains that are all connected, which doesn’t make it easy to access your favorite locket.

Jewelry display

By using shower hooks, you can easily remedy this problem. Also, the hooks on a wall near your dresser or in your closet make for a super cute jewelry display.

Homemade speaker

Not everyone has the luxury of having a Bluetooth speaker for their phone. Sometimes, even if they do have a speaker, the battery doesn’t have a very long life, which can totally ruin a party. This simple homemade speaker is made out of a paper towel roll and two plastic cups.

Homemade speaker

It may not be the fanciest speaker you have ever seen, but it works by amplifying the sound outward. This is a cheat that will work in a pinch!

Seed starters

If you’re new to the world of gardening, then you may not know where to start. It takes practice, patience, and consistency, and it all starts with seeds. A simple way to plant seeds is to use recycled toilet paper rolls.

Seed starters

These cardboard rolls help to keep seeds and dirt in place so that you can water them and they can grow into plants. They’re small, compact, and make gardening a lot easier to get a handle on.

Post-it note trick

The dust between the keys on your keyboard is bound to pile up over time. Many of us neglect the cleaning of our keyboards until it is absolutely necessary, simply because it takes such a long time to delve between each individual key.

Post-it note trick

To make life easier, take the sticky end of a post-it note and slide it between the keys. It will catch the dust that is not usually easily caught, and it will save you a lot of time.

Coffee bins

If you’re an avid coffee drinker, you probably are wondering what to do with all the coffee containers you go through. Coffee containers are sturdy pieces of plastic with so many possibilities. One of our favorite ways to use coffee containers is this DIY storage unit.

Coffee bins

This would be perfect in a garage to hold small tools and supplies, or even for a kid’s playroom to hold pesky toys that usually lay all over the floor.

Ice cube trays

Ice cube trays can be life changing accessories when it comes to organizing your home. They are absolutely perfect for small items that can often get lost or misplaced.

Ice cube trays

We love this drawer stocked with two ice cube trays to use as a jewelry organizer. No longer will you have to dig through one big drawer or box for your favorite pair of earrings. All the jewelry is displayed neatly, and accessing it is no longer a frustration.

Basketball trash can

Picking up trash has never been more fun than with this basketball trash can DIY invention. It makes cleaning up like a sport. If you’re a parent, consider putting one of these in your house so that when your kids pick up their room, they will no longer complain.

Basketball trash can

Instead, they can make a game out of it, and even keep score against their little brother or sister. You’ll never have to punish them for not cleaning their rooms again.

The movie night kit

If you are a parent with young kids, you will inevitably have to host a sleepover once in a while. Sleepovers with young children can get extremely hectic very quickly if there isn’t a little structure to them.

The movie night kit

Movie nights are a great solution, and they will help children settle down before bedtime. These clever homemade movie kits are perfect to make sure everyone gets a treat without going overboard on the sugar, salt, and caffeine.

Outdoor projector

On a gorgeous summer night, wouldn’t it be nice to lay under the stars and watch your favorite movie on the big screen? It’s too bad drive-ins are hard to come by nowadays, but there is a way to create a drive-in movie experience in your very own backyard.

Outdoor projector

All you need is a projector and a white sheet to hang up and you’ve got yourself an outdoor theatre. Make sure you have the snacks and pillows too!

Nylon run

A run in your nylon stockings can turn a night from great to a disaster. However, if you know how to combat it quickly, your night can flip right around! Always be sure to carry clear nail polish with you on nights out.

Nylon run

When swiped onto a run in a nylon stocking, clear nail polish quickly seals the run so that it cannot spread more. It won’t repair the tear, but it will help it from getting bigger.

Car caddy

If you are a vehicle owner, chances are you that have bottles of oil, anti-freeze, and windshield wiper fluid hanging out in your car. These items tend to roll around when you’re driving, and they will surely make a huge mess if they open up.

Car caddy

That’s why this shower caddy hack is perfect to store any of your liquid car items in. Everything will be in one place, and you won’t have to worry about them making a mess.

No more falling bottles

Especially in smaller showers, it’s easy to tip over all of your soaps, face washes, and shampoos while rinsing your hair. It’s always frustrating to have to constantly find a space for your soaps where they won’t easily tip over. This system, however, solves everything! Simply attach your toiletry products to clips on your shower rod.

No more falling bottles

This will keep products from falling, and it will make everything organized and accessible for use. Your shower will feel a lot less cluttered with this simple trick.

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