These delivery fails will make you want to stop ordering online

Thankfully, we live in a world where we can get anything we want at the click of a button. Fancy a nice bottle – or ten – of wine to go with your dinner? Well, you can simply order it online, and it will be at your door and ready to pour within the hour. Always wanted to know what authentic Peruvian spices taste like? Just pop in your address, and you can add a little sizzle to your sausages for your hot date next week. Can’t find the perfect wedding dress in a store? Don’t worry; you can easily buy a cheap and cheerful wedding gown online. It may take a while to get to you, and it may be a *little* different to the advertisement, but at least you’re wedding-ready, right? What we mean to say is that thanks to technology and epic worldwide delivery services, you can now have anything and everything delivered to your door. However, there is a catch. To deliver your goods you’ll need to enlist the help of a delivery company – and these aren’t always reliable. In fact, these delivery fails will make you want to stop ordering online…

No matter where you go in the world, you will always be greeted with the same worldwide delivery services. Whether it’s FedEx, DHL, UPS, or another company, you can’t walk the streets without their iconic logos and vans whizzing past you – delivering their goods to their valued customers. Of course, not all of us are happy with the fact that we have to put our expensive, valuable, or even sentimental goods in the hands of a big corporation, but these guys have been in the business so long, you’d expect the utmost care and consideration for the goods that you have bought. Indeed, we can just pay for our products at the click of a button, and wait for the magic to happen. Sounds easy, right? Well, not quite.

Although they put a smile on all of our faces when they deliver our products to our front door, these courier and delivery companies have a few quirky ways about them. They might tell you to be in from 8 am to 6 pm to await your delivery, they might not offer the chance to store your package in a safe space if you are out, or they might just refuse to knock on your door completely. Unfortunately, this is the world we have to live in. Yet, because most of us are too polite to complain, we end up passive-aggressively taking pictures of their wrongdoings instead. Here are some of the most epic delivery fails we have ever seen…

[post_page_title]A tight squeeze[/post_page_title]

Although most couriers just want to do their job and get home to their families, there are some who take a little more pride in their work – including this guy, who tried to be the next Jenga-master when it comes to delivering parcels. Of course, this delivery driver couldn’t just leave the package out in the open – who knows what kind of nosy neighbors roam the neighborhood – so he decided to stash it neatly within the confines of this apartment block. Quite literally. We’re not gonna lie; this tight squeeze is so incredibly satisfying, we’re just no so sure that the homeowner appreciates scraping it out of its holding.

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