Everything We Know About Diana’s Last Days

No matter where you are in the world, there’s a high chance you’re familiar with the British Royal Family. Although they have been at the forefront of our attention for centuries, they’ve recently come into a league of their own.

They are taking social media by storm, they’re the subject of viral memes and videos, and they are becoming huge members of the world of popular culture. In fact, we have the likes of Prince William, Prince Harry, and their wives Kate and Meghan to thank for this – as they’re bringing the Royals into a new era and showing a new generation these guys are pretty darn cool.

Although the Royal Family seems to have everything going for them, it’s fair to say their lives have been plagued with horror and sadness. Over the course of their existence, they have dealt with the passing of dear relatives, the struggles that come with ruling a country, and the pressures of living life in the public eye.

One woman to suffer more than most was Diana, Princess of Wales. As the first wife of Prince Charles, Princess Diana immediately became a public sensation. She threw herself into royal life and made it her mission to help as many people as possible.

Thanks to this, the world fell in love with her, and her actions allowed her the nickname of the “People’s Princess.” However, what the world struggled to see was that Diana was not living a fairytale. She believed that the Royal Family had something against her, her dirty laundry was aired for the whole world to see, and she struggled to maintain an ounce of privacy. Her life was far from perfect – and it ended in a tragic accident on August 31, 1997, when Diana sadly lost her life.
[post_page_title]Lady Diana Spencer[/post_page_title]

Before she became Princess Diana and married into the Royal Family, she was known as Lady Diana Spencer. Yet, she still had ties to the British monarchy. As a member of the elite Spencer family, this rich and well-to-do family had been closely tied to those at Buckingham Palace for centuries. Diana’s grandmothers had all worked and lives as ladies in waiting for the Queen Mother, and she had grown up on the Sandringham Estate where she played with the Royal children as a child. Because of this, Diana was used to life in the limelight.

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