Genius life hacks that might just make life a little easier

[post_page_title]Keeping it warm[/post_page_title]

It’s fair to say that there is nothing worse than entering a cold restroom and placing your, ahem, behind onto a cold toilet seat. You feel as though your cheeks might fall off; as though you will never be warm again, and you just can’t find the confidence to do what you came to do on the toilet.

If this is you… Never fear! One of the easiest and laziest ways to avoid the cold-derriere-syndrome is to cover the seat with two of your oldest socks. This way, you can sit on the toilet for as long as you want, doing absolutely nothing, and basking in your genius laziness.

[post_page_title]Keeping an eye on things[/post_page_title]

If you’re not the best chef in the world and you’re feeling particularly lazy when you decide to cook yourself a meal for once and not order takeout, you can often feel torn between standing to watch your pot boil or going back to your couch to finish your episode of Stranger Things.

Most of the time, laziness always wins – which means you need to be extra careful with the boiling water that is sitting on top of a pretty hot flame. This lazy genius found the perfect way to do this. After all, what else are webcams for?

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