While some people call it “lazy,” we call it “preserving our energy for something cooler” – because who wants to spend their time going grocery shopping when they could search the web for the coolest Uber Eats? With new inventions and life hacks, lazy people are now able to live their lives in peace. Here are awesome genius life hacks for lazy people.
Meal for one
Could this guy get any cooler if he tried? If you work in an office or work from home in your own personal den, then you might find it extremely irritating having to get up from your chair and walking to the refrigerator every time you want a snack – which is basically all day, every day.

To make sure you don’t have to expel any unnecessary energy, then you might want to adopt this genius’ idea of the ‘sweatshirt-bowl.’ Rather than getting up all of the time and then having to wash up a plate or a bowl, just put it in your sweatshirt!
Spray it, don’t say it
If you’re the kind of person that loves to cover their food with sauce, it can be difficult to constantly unscrew the bottle and pour dollop after dollop on your plate. Luckily, this is the perfect invention for a lazy genius.

Switch the screw-top for a spray-top, and spray your whole dinner with saucy goodness. Just make sure you wash out whatever was in the spray top before covering your food in it…
Remaining idle
Although lazy people love to be idle, they never like their computers or laptops to go idle – because it’s even more effort for them to restart their computer or to wake it up again. It’s wasted time that could be spent wasting time in more enjoyable circumstances.

So, to stop your computer or laptop from turning to the dreaded black screen, just get your watch involved. By placing a watch underneath the sensor of the mouse, it will trick your computer into thinking it is still moving. Let the black screen be no more!
The humble asparagus is delicious – and will go well with basically any dinner combo. But one of the difficulties when it comes to this vegetable is the fact that cutting asparagus comes with a lot of hard work, considering you have to cut the ends off before you can eat them.

Of course, this isn’t really do-able for the lazy person in your life. Thankfully, there is a way to combat this. Rather than taking the rubber bands off the bunch, you could keep it on and cut them all in one fell swoop!
Try before you buy
If you’ve ever bought any product ever, you’ll know that the packaging can cause you a lot of stress and tears. The product is basically unreachable, and the plastic and cardboard exterior is harder than maneuvering around Takeshi’s Castle.

Well, this lazy genius found a way to avoid unpacking his product, as well as giving himself the opportunity to try before he buys. Instead of unpacking a doorstop, just let it do its thing. Let it roam free. Let it be the doorstep it always wanted to be.
Makeshift igloo
Let’s be honest, the summer months are all fun and games for a few weeks – but you soon start to wonder if you’ll have sweat running down your face every single day.

Although some have air conditioning to help them keep cool, not everyone has that luxury. Luckily, there is a way to keep you as cool as possible as you continue to binge watch Netflix. Create your own makeshift igloo with an empty bed sheet, a portable fan, and a laptop. Much better.
Lazy at work
When you’re lazy, holding down a job can be pretty darn difficult – especially if you’re a handyman. We can only imagine that this handyman was asked to modify this chair and table to ensure that the legs did not squeak as they were pushed back and forth.

Instead of getting his tools out and doing some intricate form of DIY, this guy just looked in the local park for a few materials. The end result? The lazy geniuses tennis ball invention that could potentially be the next big invention. He should patent that.
Keeping it warm
It’s fair to say that there is nothing worse than entering a cold restroom and placing your, ahem, behind onto a cold toilet seat. You feel as though your cheeks might fall off; as though you will never be warm again, and you just can’t find the confidence to do what you came to do on the toilet.

If this is you… Never fear! One of the easiest and laziest ways to avoid the cold-derriere-syndrome is to cover the seat with two of your oldest socks. This way, you can sit on the toilet for as long as you want, doing absolutely nothing, and basking in your genius laziness.
Kiddie in training
Being a lazy genius isn’t something you learn, it’s something you are – and even some of the youngest children have shown signs of lazy genius in the past. Don’t believe us? Here is Exhibit A.

This child was so fed up with having to ask and plead their parents for treats for hours on end, that they decided to take matters into their own hands. Or feet. They made their own makeshift ladder, to reach the treats so they didn’t have to ask ever again. Smart, but probably not safe!
Ironing 101
Conserving your energy is not easy, you know. It takes time and dedication, and also requires sacrifice. Because most lazy people are too lazy to iron their clothes, they have to find other ways to not enter the office looking like the scrunched up paper in the trash.

So what do you do? Well, it’s easy! When you finally get off the couch and shower for the first time in three days, make sure that you take your crumpled clothes in with you and hang them up. The steam from your shower will make them look as good as new in no time.
Keep out
Is there anything worse than using a public restroom and realizing that the lock is broken? We think not. While most people would awkwardly try to do their business while holding the door at the same time, this lazy genius has come up with the perfect solution that will allow you to sit comfortably and take your time.

Simply take off your belt and wrap it around the door handle. Keep hold of the other end and do your stuff, dude. Don’t worry; nobody will be rudely interrupting you now!
Keeping it together
When you wear the same clothes every single day, it’s not hard to see why they get broken so easily. It may be that the pocket starts to come undone, it may be that the hems of your pants start to unravel, or it may be that the button on your sleeve falls off.

While those who are proactive would normally take themselves to the mall to buy another shirt, those who are lazy don’t have time for that. Okay, they do – but they don’t want to. Why make an unnecessary trip when you can just use a paperclip to keep the sleeve together?
One final push
If you live in a house with a long driveway, you’ll know that it can be pretty darn tiring walking up and down it to collect your trash cans every week – especially as you’ve literally just driven past them to park your car closer to your house.

If you’re still doing this, you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself, because you’re expelling vital energy your nomadic ancestors wouldn’t be proud of. Instead, simply roll down your window, grab hold of the handle, and keep a hold of your trash can as you drive your way back up… We don’t know how safe this is though, let’s be honest.
Taste the feeling
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for your whole life, you’ll know that you can literally walk into any store and buy yourself a can of Coca-Cola – that’s just the way the world works.

If you’re going on a long plane or train journey, you might want to make use of the cans that Coca-Cola lovingly provide for their lazy customers. Rather than holding up your phone to watch a movie during your flight, simply crush up the can to make your own personal phone stand. It’s the best way to taste the feeling.
No more rolling drama
Being lazy means that you often get irritated with menial tasks that prove to be a lot more difficult than what they should be – like rolling up posters. Why won’t they just stay in a roll? Why must they constantly unravel themselves? It’s pretty darn annoying.

Thankfully, there is a lazy hack to make sure that you can keep your cool and not overexert yourself. Grab a few empty toilet roll holders and place them around the posters. It’ll save you a heck load of time and patience, which of course, is incredibly important for us to preserve.
Lazy or genius?
We really don’t know whether this invention is lazy or genius, but we think we’re going to go with the notion that this is one of the best lazy genius hacks we have ever seen. Gone are the days where you have to faff around with clothes dryers and getting yourself stuck in between the spikes.

Now, you can simply turn over two chairs and hang all of your clean laundry over them. There’s even space to dry your sneakers. This is one of the most efficient and lazy things we’ve ever seen, and we’re really, really impressed.
Just hangin’ out
Why do hotel rooms always have drapes that don’t quite close properly? Meaning you get blasted with light as soon as dawn breaks. Rather than getting up from your bed every time the air conditioning blows the drapes even further away from each other, all you need to do is grab yourself a coat hanger with clips and clip them both together.

It’s lazy and genius; the perfect combination. No more being woken up before midday if you don’t wanna!
Having a moviecation
One of the favorite pastimes of any lazy person is to watch movies, and there is nothing better than passing on your knowledge to your children through a moviecation.

Yet, long car journeys, children, and iPads never normally ends well, especially if your kids want to fight it out over who has to hold it. To combat this, show your lazy genius side by attaching the iPad to the front seat using shoelaces. No more drama!
Keeping an eye on things
If you’re not the best chef in the world and you’re feeling particularly lazy when you decide to cook yourself a meal for once and not order takeout, you can often feel torn between standing to watch your pot boil or going back to your couch to finish your episode of Stranger Things.

Most of the time, laziness always wins – which means you need to be extra careful with the boiling water that is sitting on top of a pretty hot flame. This lazy genius found the perfect way to do this. After all, what else are webcams for?
Flunking out
Unfortunately, laziness does not simply reside in your own home. Laziness is a way of life and is present every moment of every day – even at high school. Although you’re probably very interested in school, part of you just wants to shove on your favorite show and watch it on your phone.

Yet, this has always been impossible because most of the time you just look as if you’re staring at the floor. Well, we say no more to this! Use your phone charger to keep your phone upright, and place a book in front of it if you’re being really sneaky.
You need this bleach disinfectant spray in your life
Cleaning hacks make everything better because since cleaning is a mundane task we all must partake in, we might as well make it fun with a few tricks from up our sleeves. If you clean with bleach, stop what you’re doing and start using this disinfectant spray.

Take a tablespoon of bleach and a gallon of hot water and put it in a spray bottle. Now, you can get to those hard to reach crevices and spray your troubles away. Don’t forget gloves and avoid touching your eyes!