Eggs form a vital, ever present part of a lot of people’s breakfast meal. It might therefore seem odd when a top chef, a food guru in all rights, maintains that they would never date to have eggs for breakfast. This may have you wondering whether there’s something wrong with having eggs for breakfast that no one told you about. Or perhaps trying to figure out which other food offers you so much more and better than your favorite eggs.
Giada De Laurentiis is an American chef, TV personality and author of multiple cookbooks. Born in Italy, she’s also a winner of the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lifestyle Host. Focusing on Italian cuisine, Giada is without a doubt one of the most affluent chefs in America. Something interesting about her dietary choices is that she never eats eggs for breakfast.
Generally, Giada isn’t a fan of protein rich breakfasts. This ultimately bans eggs from her breakfast menu. It’s not that she has something against eggs, however. She can have them incorporated in her lunches and dinners. In the place of eggs and other popular proteins, she goes for whole grains. She has revealed that her breakfast of choice involves oatmeal, taken with olive oil and salt. This, or her other favorite, brown rice with sea salt and olive oil.
According to Giada, whole grains give her just the satiety she needs to get through a day where she’s surrounded by sweet treats on her sets. She explains that they include healthy fats, are minimally processed and go through digestion slowly. The top chef is also wary about sugar packed ingredients, which is why she always goes for whole, non processed grains. She’s also careful not to bring in the sugars with the toppings. That’s why her olive oil and sea salt take a central role on her breakfast table. They’re a much healthier alternative to brown sugar or even maple syrup.
If you would perhaps wonder whether Giada’s choice has anything to do with her Italian roots, note that Italians do not usually take eggs for breakfast. A typical Italian breakfast will include lots of pastries. Croissants, bread and cookies are common accompaniments for a cup of coffee. Some of the other breakfast foods that you may find are not very popular with Italians are pancakes and sausages. They prefer to go with light breakfasts.
Giada specializes in Italian cuisine, so it’s definitely not a surprise that she’s following a few Italian food traditions herself. She even once said that her Italian background – where she grew up having starchy breakfasts – definitely molded her into the non-protein breakfast person she is. Giada notes that while she does have her breakfast the Italian way, she’s careful to cut down on the sweets. Her rice and oatmeal make up for most of the mornings so that she’s not always eating croissants and danishes.
Bottom line, Giada refuses to east eggs in the morning. In her own word, “I can’t do eggs for breakfast.” There’s definitely no need to be worried about your breakfast eggs, they’re perfectly okay.