The most gloriously American pictures on the internet

[post_page_title]Racing stripes[/post_page_title]

There’s no combination like America and car racing. Who doesn’t love a day out at the racetrack, spending some time outdoors in the sun, drinking a cold beverage or two, and cheering on your favorite race car driver?

And of course, the experience wouldn’t be complete without a few stunning women to wave the flags signaling the beginning and the end of the race. These charming flag wavers are decked out in full United States flag bodysuits, and they make us even prouder than ever to be American.

[post_page_title]Isn’t it ironic[/post_page_title]

Staying in shape is important, and there is no shortage of gyms and fitness centers across the great United States. But working out is hard, and sometimes even if you’re on your way to the gym, you just don’t feel like taking the stairs.

Well, this 24 Hour Fitness in San Diego, California, has your back – there are escalators in the front so you don’t even have to break a sweat on your way to your workout. If this isn’t the definition of irony, we don’t know what is!

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