Unlikely and hilarious coincidences captured at the most perfect time

Unlikely and hilarious coincidences captured at the most perfect time

Every now and then, people encounter a coincidence that is so unlikely that they have to do a double take. They cannot believe what they are seeing but when the understand what is happening, they laugh and take a picture. We have compiled a list of the most curious coincidences that people have captured on camera.

[post_page_title]Kissing ice cream[/post_page_title]

Whoever stuck this ice cream sticker on the back of this chair had no idea that they were setting this student up for a great practical joke. This is an instance where everything had to line up perfectly.

Kissing ice cream

This kid had to be wearing a Kiss shirt (we think he looks a little young to be listening to rock and roll) and it had to line up exactly with this sticker. If only he knew what was going on behind him.

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