Meghan Markle may have picked up a British accent, according to recent videos

As the nature versus nurture debate clearly shows, a huge part of who we are may be determined by our environment. Whether it’s the people around us, the region we grew up in, or our home country, people are – at least to some extent – the byproduct of their natural environment. That’s why people from the same place, say the Southern United States, tend to like the same things, eat the same foods, and – this part’s important – sound the same way.

But what happens when you’re uprooted from the country of your birth? You have to make a huge adjustment, realigning yourself to the culture and norms of your adoptive country. Even if they speak the same language – as people do in the U.S. and Britain – things are still different enough to give you a hard time. And when fitting in is more important than anything else, how far will you go? That’s a question Meghan Markle must have asked herself.

[post_page_title]A hint of an accent?[/post_page_title]

Having been an official part of the Royal Family for ten months now, Meghan Markle has been slowly acclimating herself to life in the world’s biggest fishbowl. Royal life affords many privileges, but also intense scrutiny even some of the world’s biggest celebs aren’t subjected to.

Every gesture is analyzed, every word is weighed, and every change is noticed. And so, when the American duchess was found on two separate occasions to be speaking with a hint of a British accent, people on both sides of the Atlantic freaked out.

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