On-screen kissing scenes that were entirely unplanned

[post_page_title]Bill Murray wings it in Lost in Translation[/post_page_title]

Director Sofia Coppola’s Oscar-winning 2003 film Lost in Translation is a remarkable movie, not least because of its very memorable ending. The film ends on a tender moment between Bob, played by Bill Murray, and Charlotte, played by Scarlett Johansson. As the two bid each other farewell in the middle of a busy Tokyo street, Bob leans in and whispers something in Charlotte’s ear, and then gently kisses her.

Bill Murray wings it in Lost in Translation

To this day, no one besides Murray and Johansson know what he whispered, not even Coppola, as the entire moment was improvised by Murray on the spot without ScarJo knowing it was coming. It wasn’t the only time the comedy legend did that on-set, but it was certainly the most memorable.

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