People are concerned about the Queen after an official photo showed a large mark on her hand

[post_page_title]All around the world[/post_page_title]

Her time at the top means that Queen Elizabeth II has been to royal events all around the world. That’s not all. She has also been on the throne throughout a host of U.K. prime ministers and U.S. presidents as they have come and gone through their terms. All of those connections and more means that Elizabeth has often traveled the globe as she brings peace and builds relationships with nations everywhere.

All around the world

In fact, the Queen is often hailed as being the leading face of modernizing the Royal Family. As if that wasn’t enough, her ruling style and love of corgis have both helped to turn Elizabeth into a fan favorite across the planet. While many of us are used to watching Elizabeth at these events, it seems as though one was about to raise a few concerns.

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