People are concerned about the Queen after an official photo showed a large mark on her hand

[post_page_title]Welcoming her guests[/post_page_title]

Sadly, her age means the Queen stopped traveling abroad a few years ago. It looks as though the long flights were becoming too much for the now 92-year-old to handle. However, that hasn’t stopped her from hosting a few famous faces on her home turf. It was at the end of February 2019 that Elizabeth and Princess Anne welcomed King Abdullah and Queen Rania of Jordan.

Welcoming her guests

The families were finally reunited after many years of contact, and everyone was keen to see the photos. The group held a private meeting as the Jordanian Royals arrived to discuss economic growth and development before they were invited back to Buckingham Palace. It wasn’t until the official photos from the day emerged that people began to notice something strange. Now, all eyes are on the Queen as people put together the pieces of the puzzle.

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