People are concerned about the Queen after an official photo showed a large mark on her hand

[post_page_title]A sudden disappearance[/post_page_title]

The Queen’s health has been a topic of conversation for many years, especially as she continues to enter her 90s. It was back in June 2018 that Elizabeth was supposed to arrive at St. Paul’s Cathedral for another royal event. However, the 92-year-old failed to show. News soon spread that the Queen had officially pulled out of the engagement.

A sudden disappearance

This was the first time that her health had stopped her from arriving at an event, and concerns rose after the Queen had been spotted at many events in the days leading up to the ceremony. An official spokesperson soon confirmed that she was “feeling under the weather” and wouldn’t be a part of the day. It didn’t take long for the rumors about the Queen’s age and health to spread, especially as she had always been praised for never causing a commotion when she was sick.

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