People are concerned about the Queen after an official photo showed a large mark on her hand

[post_page_title]Not the first scare[/post_page_title]

It turned out that no doctor had been called, but there was a good reason: the Queen was battling a cold. Everyone soon let out a sigh of relief, but this wasn’t the first time the Queen had worried her fans. Just one month before, Elizabeth was spotted having undergone surgery. The Royal had gone through cataract surgery and was now busy recovering. However, apparently, the operation had left more of an effect than first thought.

Not the first scare

There have been rumors that Queen Elizabeth II has needed a knee operation for many months as she now struggles to stand after she has been sitting for a long time and can be left in pain if she stands or walks for too long. Reportedly, the Queen refused to undergo the procedure as she feared the recovery time would be too long and she wouldn’t be able to perform her royal duties.

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