While reflecting on the comments, and the video he had made, it seems that Orion had mixed emotions.
On the one hand, he seemed to agree that he and his friends hadn’t taken the time to research what they were going to do, and understand what it would entail. And he did regret this in a sense. However, at the same time, he and his friends had a wonderful time together, and they have a cool story to tell after the fact as well!
[post_page_title]Car lover[/post_page_title]
This was no fluke that Orion and his buddies would be out messing about with cars.
In fact, it seems like one of the main reasons for his large YouTube following is the fact that he is such a car obsessive. Most of his content seems to revolve around cars in some way, and this includes driving, racing, and building them. As a car enthusiast, it seems likely that Orion would have some knowledge of how cars work, and would certainly ensure that an experiment was safe before starting.