Sometimes in life you regret the people you let slip away, and for Burt Reynolds there was one woman he wished he could have back: Sally Field. The celebrity couple dated for several years, but as is the case with many things in life, all things must come to an end, and their relationship was no exception. Despite not being a couple for almost 40 years, Sally Field held on to a very special sentiment that she chose to share with the world following Reynolds’ passing in September of 2018.
[post_page_title]Burt Reynolds[/post_page_title]
Burt Reynolds grew up in Florida and seemed destined to become a superstar of American football, even gaining a scholarship to play in college.

Following several injuries, he was forced to shelf the idea and focus on something else, which is when he turned to acting. He would go on to become one of the biggest actors in the world, but it all began for him in the ‘50s featuring in shows such as Riverboat, Flight, and The Lawless Years.