Ship captain sees weird flash in the sky and abandons course to investigate

Ship captain sees weird flash in the sky and abandons course to investigate

Long cruises are usually tons of fun, but nothing exciting hardly ever happens. You play some shuffleboard, swim a couple of laps in the pool, stuff yourself with good food, and enjoy whatever other awesome activities the crew has lined up for you.

Passengers pay their hard earned money, and in return are promised a certain bill of goods. If they end up with a trip that didn’t check all of the promised boxes, they get angry – and rightfully so! The Pacific Princess was a cruise ship on an uneventful journey, when the ship’s captain saw a strange light in the sky. Without giving it another thought, he immediately changed course…

[post_page_title]Now boarding the Pacific Princess[/post_page_title]

The Pacific Princess cruise ship began welcoming passengers, who were going through the long, boring process of boarding the ship. Their silver lining? At the end of it awaited a dream vacation, one that will allow them to float away from their troubles – quite literally!

Now boarding the Pacific Princess

Everyday concerns behind them, the open seas ahead of them – what could go wrong? It seemed like proverbial smooth sailing, but the ship – and its crew and passengers – were in for an experience of a lifetime. And it definitely wasn’t in the brochure!

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