Award show moments that were just too uncomfortable to watch

Award show moments that were just too uncomfortable to watch

They say there’s no business like show business, and they’re probably right. There’s nothing quite like this glamorous, drama-filled industry that makes people want to constantly get the inside scoop. And in Tinseltown, what can be more exciting than award season? It’s that time of year when celebrities get together to celebrate their talent, while strutting on the red carpet in lavish outfits and creating some memorable moments.

And as far as memorable moments go, there are plenty of them. In fact, there are so many of them, it’s hard to choose. Some of them were hilarious, some of them were sad – but some of them fit a whole other category. It’s those kind of moments that made us cringe as they happened. The kind of moments that made us want to look away from our screens, but not be able to tear our eyes away from it. These are the most embarrassing and awkward moments that happened during award shows – ones that made those famous celebrities seem a little less perfect, and a little more human.

[post_page_title]And the Oscar goes… to the wrong movie[/post_page_title]

The Academy Awards have always been the most prestigious of awards, and winning the Oscar for Best Picture is probably every filmmakers dream. But apparently, even the biggest award show in the world can’t go flawlessly. In 2017, when acting legends Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty presented the award for Best Picture, they received the wrong envelope and declared the winner to be La La Land.

And the Oscar goes… to the wrong movie

It was only after the entire cast and crew went onstage and were giving their speeches, when the mistake was corrected. As La La Land producer Jordan Horowitz was whispered what happened, he said, “‘Moonlight,’ you guys won.” Needless to say, the entire crowd – as well as the viewers at home – were stunned.

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