Danny Trejo always plays the bad guy but in real life he just saved a baby’s life

Danny Trejo always plays the bad guy but in real life he just saved a baby’s life

It’s not just unknown good Samaritans, burly firemen, and brave policemen who save lives – it’s red carpet celebrities as well. Danny Trejo, star of countless films and TV shows, recently became a hero.

It was just a regular day, and Danny found himself in a position that reminded him too much of his movies. But this was no film set. This was real life.

[post_page_title]More than meets the eye[/post_page_title]

The thing about movie stars is that they appear to be heroes on screen, but when the movie’s over, we know they’re just regular people like the rest of us.

More than meets the eye

We know that Mark Ruffalo can’t actually turn into a Hulk. And we know that Danny Trejo isn’t the menace he appears to be so often on screen.

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