People are concerned about the Queen after an official photo showed a large mark on her hand

The Royal Family are a bunch that have been the talk of the world for many years, but there has always been someone at the top for the last few decades: Queen Elizabeth II. As well as having one of the most impressive reigns of anyone around the world, the Queen has also helped to build relationships with world leaders all around the world, helped to shape the next generation of Royals, and even become a fashion icon in her own right.

It looks as though her time with the crown has seen the Queen become one of the most recognized faces of the Royal Family, as well as one of the most popular. However, it looks as though times could be about to change. Many fans have grown worried about the Queen after an official snap hit the headlines.

[post_page_title]Head of them all[/post_page_title]

Amazingly, it seems as though Queen Elizabeth II has been at the top of the Royal Family for many years. She was once third in line for the throne. However, it was after her uncle abdicated his position for the crown and her father’s reign that she soon found herself as the Queen.

Head of them all

Elizabeth was crowned back on June 2, 1953, and has been there ever since. Now, she is the longest reigning British monarch in addition to being one of the longest reigning in the world. While she busies herself ruling over the U.K. and the Commonwealth, it seems as though Elizabeth is also the head of the family.

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