Taylor Lautner shared this photo of his sister in hospital and her story will really touch you

Twilight star Taylor Lautner and his little sister Makena have the kind of brother-sister relationship that most people only dream of. They are always there to take care of and support each other and are not afraid to publicly display their love for each other. That’s exactly what happened when Makena was in the hospital. Taylor shared a photograph of her that will be sure to warm your heart.

[post_page_title]Keeping it private[/post_page_title]

If you’re a fan of the celebrity world, there’s a high chance that you have followed the lives of some of your favorite celebs in the past.

You may have followed them on social media, or read every news article about them, or just admire them from a far through their music and films. There are some celebs who try to be in charge of their own privacy and Taylor Lautner is one of those people. Because of this, he knew that he had to be the one to share the news about his sister.

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