This teenage girl gets a very special replacement prom date after her boyfriend passes away

There are certain moments throughout our lives that can create some of the best memories. It can be making friends that last a lifetime, growing into our personalities, or heading off to one of the many school dances that are thrown throughout the year – there are so many things that can forge out our time at school. Even now it can be easy to look back with rose-tinted glasses at all the good times.

One of the most memorable parts of many people’s time at school is the prom. There are many traditions that each school have as their own. Some let students have the day off school as they prepare for the big dance. Others might put on a show for the parents and friends of the students. Some even have parades to celebrate the special night. For the students, it’s all about finding the dress that wins the crowd.

So while others are having the best night of their lives, how can it be the worst night for one girl? Many people take a date with them to the prom. However, this girl’s life was about to be turned upside down after a tragic accident. The love of her life was gone. A night of fun and dancing soon turned into a world of grief. Would she be able to make it out the other side? Everyone knew she needed help to make it through. It was then that they came up with the perfect plan to help…

[post_page_title]Most anticipated night of the year[/post_page_title]

There are several parts of going to high school that allow you to create everlasting memories, but there’s one night that stand out above most for students; prom. These events started as a way to promote manners and social etiquette. However, they’re now used as a way for students to celebrate their hard work, and maybe even find themselves a date. Unfortunately, Kaylee Suders never thought she’d be walking alone to prom. The teen had been dreaming of going for months, but her dreams were about to come crashing down around her after one fateful night…

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