This guy landed three job interviews for putting Kim Kardashian on his résumé

[post_page_title]Wishing him luck[/post_page_title]

Blown away by the impact that mentioning Kim had had on his job prospects, Chris couldn’t wait to share the news with everyone on Twitter. His followers had been eager to see the writer catch a break, and now it looked like that was finally going to happen. Although there was no assurance that these interviews would lead to anything, there was a good chance that one of them might end in employment.

Of course, the likelihood of Sumlin getting hired increased once the Kardashian sister got herself involved. When she saw the writer’s tweet come up in her feed, she was thrilled to see the impact she’d had. Hopeful that Chris would get some good news, she retweeted him yet again, only this time she added a comment. She wished him luck and told him she hoped he got the jobs, a tweet which ended up changing everything.

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