This story is about what happens when a place where you are supposed to feel safe turns its ugly head at you. When you go out to eat at a restaurant, the last thing you are thinking about is that the staff may be up to something. This is why we love these places so much, because they give us a feeling of comfort. This warm feeling was something that Whitney Anderson and her family felt when they ate out one night – it was only the day after that Whitney realized she had been deceived.
[post_page_title]Home away from home[/post_page_title]
When we go out to eat at a fancy restaurant, the last thing on our mind is that we need to be on our guard. In fact, isn’t there something unique about the restaurant experience that makes us feel secure and comfortable?
It’s kind of like a home away from home. Where you take a break from your standard dining room table, your usual Wednesday meal of chicken and rice, and instead enjoy yourself an outside experience. Whether you’re by yourself or with loved ones, you may end up discovering something about yourself you never knew – that’s what happens when you break away from your standard routine.