What ever happened to Allison Stokke after her time in the spotlight?

[post_page_title]Woman of the moment[/post_page_title]

With Allison becoming increasingly popular online, there was no getting rid of that photo. Any chance she had of it disappearing completely vanished once news sites started sharing it in their articles.

Publications like ‘The Washington Post’ and ‘The New York Times’ were getting in on the action, ensuring that millions of people across the United States became familiar with the young pole vaulter. Her popularity wasn’t merely restricted to America, though. She was being talked about all the way over in Europe and Australia!

[post_page_title]Keeping things under control[/post_page_title]

All of this attention was too much for Stokke to handle. She was inundated with offers to do photo shoots for various brands, and she didn’t know what to do.

Allison ended up hiring a media consultant to help her cope with everything and try to keep her rising popularity under control. She’d never asked to be featured so prominently in the spotlight, but her newfound fame wasn’t going to just go away. Unfortunately, that meant she had to deal with the dark side of being in the public eye.

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