These celebrities had the most unique jobs before they were famous

These celebrities had the most unique jobs before they were famous

The worst thing about going to work is that most jobs aren’t even cool. There just aren’t any dolphin trainer vacancies up on – we looked! Here’s the thing, though – even celebs haven’t always been blessed with money and fame. In fact, before becoming famous these popular figures spent their days working some pretty awful and awkward jobs.

[post_page_title]Johnny Depp – Telemarketer[/post_page_title]

Nowadays, we know Johnny Depp as the king of Hollywood. Yep, this actor, producer, director, and musician (because apparently one talent just isn’t enough) is best known for his iconic and weird characters – such as Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka, The Mad Hatter, Captain Jack Sparrow, Sweeney Todd and more.

Johnny Depp – Telemarketer

But before he became famous, Depp was wowing ordinary American citizens with his outlandish phone voice as a telemarketer. Oh, did we say wowing? We meant annoying. In his words, he was pretty darn annoying, which pretty much applies to any telemarketer ever.

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