Classic films based on true stories that got certain facts wrong

[post_page_title]Shakespeare in Love[/post_page_title]

There were definitely a number of things in this film that historians found to be not true. For one, the method of how Shakespeare got inspired to write Romeo and Juliet.

Shakespeare in Love

The movie seems to insinuate that the romance he embarks on inspired it – but people noted that he based it off of an Italian book, so he can’t have been grasping for straws. There were a number of other inaccuracies, but this was the main one.


Disney fans be warned – the plot of Pocahontas didn’t exactly go the same way in real life. First of all, she and John Smith were never a thing – which is for the best, because she was actually ten years old when the English first got to Virginia.


Another sad difference is that there wasn’t exactly the happy ending with the English agreeing not to fight – unfortunately, they attacked the native populations and proceeded to finish the job.

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