Parenting fails that are way too relatable

[post_page_title]Now what[/post_page_title]

Every parent’s worst nightmare? Having to tell their kid that they accidentally destroyed their favorite toy. We definitely wouldn’t want to be this mom, who was only trying to help by giving her child’s beloved teddy bear a much-needed “bath.”

Unfortunately, bath time didn’t go as smoothly as she had hoped and ended up with a stuff-less bear and most likely a heartbroken kid… that is unless she can find an exact replica by the time they get home from school.

[post_page_title]Forgetful tooth fairy[/post_page_title]

In case you didn’t know, parents have a lot more titles than just “mom” and “dad.” Some of these titles include Santa, the Easter bunny, and of course – the tooth fairy.

However, after this kid lost his tooth only to look under his pillow the next morning to discover that the tooth fairy had totally forgotten about him, he decided to write a note to the “tooth fairy,” who apparently had taken the night off.

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