What are your favorite stars from the 70s up to today?

[post_page_title]Sissy Spacek then[/post_page_title]

Sissy Spacek’s career went from nothing to everything in a matter of years. The majority of her fame began when she played Holly in Badlands in 1973.

Sissy Spacek then

Her fame grew tenfold, however, when she played Carietta ‘Carre’ White in Brian De Palma’s film Carrie in 1976. Her roles were received well by critics and the industry, helping Spacek to get more acting jobs. At the beginning of the 80s, she acted as Loretta Lynn in Coal Miner’s Daughter, for which she won an Oscar award.

[post_page_title]Sissy Spacek today[/post_page_title]

Since then, Spacek’s career has skyrocketed. To date, she has won 40 awards and been nominated for 93, putting her not far behind the greatest award winner, Jack Nicholson, who has 68 awards and 47 nominations.

Sissy Spacek today

Her acting career is still going strong, and she is still playing regular characters in movies. Recent films include The Help in 2011, Deadfall in 2012, River of Gold in 2016, The Old Man & the Gun in 2018, and television series’ Big Love, Bloodline, Castle Rock, and Homecoming, all since 2010.

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