Marvel women who gave us something to ‘marvel’ at

[post_page_title]Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow)[/post_page_title]

We’re guessing that you know who Scarlett Johansson is, but we’re happy to give you a brief reminder even if you don’t. After all, she’s been in so many movies that you’re bound to miss a couple of them. Growing up as a child star, she impressed critics with her dramatic performance in the hit film The Ghost Whisperer, and since then she’s been hitting it out of the park left and right. It’s safe to say that Scarlett’s among the elite actresses in Hollywood, and this is definitely made clear in her strong portrayal of Natasha Romanoff, or Black Widow, in the Avengers films. A highly trained assassin, Black Widow is one of the original founders of the Avengers.

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