The unusual story of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s daughter

[post_page_title]A total wipe-out[/post_page_title]

While that trip was a grand ol’ time, the family vacations are not always so great. In January 2018, the clan vacationed in Lake Tahoe, hoping that it would be a memorable experience for the family. The trip ended, however, with Shiloh’s arm in a sling as a result of a snowboarding accident. The poor kid broke her collarbone after wiping out on the slopes. Definitely a memorable experience, but maybe not for the right reasons.

[post_page_title]What lies ahead[/post_page_title]

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt life has certainly had its ups and downs. She has been a victim of media attacks and been criticized and debated over constantly. On top of that, she decided to start acting and experience the world of Hollywood. She definitely has a lot to look forward to with the rest of her life and things are looking good for her. Living life with persistent media attention can be tough, but Shiloh takes it with grace, just like mom.

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