The unusual story of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s daughter

[post_page_title]Going to Ethiopia[/post_page_title]

After Brad Pitt and Angelina got together, they were so in love with their first adopted child that they wanted to do it again. They traveled to Ethiopia to find another child who was living in unfortunate circumstances, and eventually they found their new daughter, Zahara Marley. She was six months old when they adopted her, and were happy to see that she was healthy and well. At this point, the Brangelina family was at a total of four.

[post_page_title]Amazing news[/post_page_title]

After they had returned from Ethiopia with their new daughter Zahara Marley, the world was starting to open their eyes to the awesome power couple that was Brangelina. They had already seemingly forgiven Brad for leaving Jennifer Aniston, and had moved on to falling in love with the new adopted children. But they soon fell in love with a new set of news. Apparently, Angelina was now pregnant with a biological child of her own!

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