World roundup: the strongest militaries in the world

[post_page_title]37. The Netherlands[/post_page_title]

The Dutch military has a long history of conquering the planet, from the spice islands in Indonesia all the way to the Dutch West Indies in the Caribbean. However, after the end of World War II, the Dutch have become decidedly more peaceful.


In fact, the Dutch Military is most well known for being sent on UN peacekeeping missions, going to the Caribbean to help out their colonies there, and joining NATO on missions in Afghanistan and Syria.

[post_page_title]36. North Korea[/post_page_title]

In North Korea’s mind, they are the number one military on the face of the earth. However, on our list, they only come in at number 36.


While the North Korean military may be able to overwhelm South Korea with the sheer numbers of fighters that they have, we are not sure that this poor, impoverished country will truly succeed in any long term battles. The majority of their weapons haven’t been updated since the 1970s.

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