Side-by-side photos of actors vs. the real people they played

[post_page_title]Eddie Redmayne vs. Stephen Hawking[/post_page_title]

Sometimes, taking on the mantle of playing a world-renowned figure is more of a physical challenge than anything. This was the case for Eddie Redmayne when he played physicist Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything. Hawking suffered from Lou Gehrig’s disease since his days as a young man in Oxford, and the condition slowly paralyzed him. Redmayne faced – and aced – playing the wheelchair-bound genius. He spent four months speaking to Hawking’s family – and to patients suffering from the same condition. He even grew out his nails, just like Hawking, even though the movie only had one shot where you could actually see them.

Eddie Redmayne vs. Stephen Hawking

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